Thursday, November 18, 2021

Frozen 2 (Real or fake)

 Today my class did a real or fake Netflix movie activity.

 My choice of movie was Frozen 2, even though Frozen is on Disney plus, but that was the only movie I could think of that wasn't taken.

This activity was also very fun to make.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Back to school activites.

 Today our class did some back-to-school activities, we had to work with buddies to do this activity. Since my friend Shania didn't have a buddy/partner we invited her to our group. 

It was kinda hard to find out what we had in common in our 2-week break since most of us did different things on the holiday. But In the end, we were able to find lots of things similar about our 2-week break. 

With our buddies, we had to ask them questions about what they did in the holidays and make a ven-diagram out of it. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My Statictics.

 This week we started to do our statistics, when I was doing this activity I learned how to make a graph or a chart. 

I also learned how to color in my graphs and how to do pie graphs. Finally, I also learned a lot about Room 8. The activity wasn't actually hard to do. One of the activities I did was infinite water or infinite food.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

My Super Digital citizen.

 Today our class made a super digital citizen.  

My super Digital Is something that makes sure you make the right decisions while you are on a device, and when you are on the wrong site It will kick you out of that site.

At first, I was thinking of tracing something but then we were told we are supposed to make it out of our creativity. So I made up a right or wrong robot.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

My Te reo Maori activity. || Kirstine Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2021

 My Te-Reo Maori activity is about learning Te-Reo Maori words, 

and practicing how to pronounce the words.

Kirstine Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2021 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

My Olympic slides activity.

 This slideshow is about the Olympics, well it's not really about it. But these are my Olympic slides activity. The hard part was tracing the torch to make it look like the same on the other side, and the easiest activity was the flag activity. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Catapult activity.

 Last week we did a group activity, the main idea was to make a catapult that can shoot a Lollie across a river, but of course, we had minimal designs so we had to think of a way to make a catapult.

Friday, June 25, 2021

My explanation of how a spider spins its web.

 In these google slides, I will explain how a spider spins its web.

The life-cycle of a butterfly.

This is my version of a life-cycle of a butterfly, also in this presentation, I show the four steps of a butterfly's life cycle.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Melting moments. (Science project)

In our science project, we melted ice cubes and see which one will melt the fastest and which one will melt the fastest. We 1st froze 3 liquids, apple juice, water, and milk, we then put out 1 ice cube from each liquid out to see which one will melt the fastest but before we melted them we put them on trays.  

My Earthquake explanation

 This is my earthquake explanation.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

My Smart Footprint

Smart Footprint.

My Digital Smart Footprint is an example of the apps/games I use at home and/or school and a digital footprint is something that stays on the internet forever.  The most annoying part about creating my digital Smart Footprint was trying to click on the photos and try to move them, but sometimes I would accidentally press the smart footprint layout, and when I was doing this I learned how to replace an image with a selfie. If you were wondering I used google drawing to create my Digital Smart Footprint.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Online Profile

 Hello, my name is Kirstine. And I go to Mangapapa School, I'm in Room 8. I am a Year 5. I'm from the Philippines. I live with my brother and my mum and dad. I live in Gisborne New Zealand.  

My goal this year is to stop procrastinating, and my other goal is to be better at chess. I love to play games on my Xbox. 

My favorite subject is art. I am looking forward to going to school camp Next year.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai

Nau mai, haere mai!

Welcome to my blog for learning.

I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,

my whānau and friends everywhere.